Smartsheet Guru Blog

Smartsheet Convert Number Value To Text String I ran into an issue with Tableau bringing in data properly from Smartsheet when I had a combination of numeric and alphanumeric values in one of my Smartsheet columns. In order to ensure that Tableau recognized all the values as the same...

Smartsheet Count Occurrence of Contact In a Multi Contact Column This video shows you how to count the occurrence of a specific contact in a multi contact column. This example shows how tasks John Smith, Joe Smith, and Smartsheet Guru are assigned to. Forumula used is: =COUNTIF([Person's...

Smartsheet Name and Email Columns to Contact List Column Learn how to take a Smartsheet column containing a name and another column containing an email and then combine these 2 columns into a Smartsheet Contact List Column Type Below if the formula used in this video. Note the space before the...

Smartsheet Custom Auto Increment Format In this example a Auto-Increment ID is generated in the format AA001 AA999 then rolls to AB001, etc. with a maximum value of ZZ999 Here are the formulas used: Starting in the first row:3 Digit Number:=IF([Number Increment]@row = 0, 0,...

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