Smartsheet Guru Blog
Smartsheet Lookup a Value in Another sheet based on Multiple Criteria This video shows a simple example of how to pull in a value from one sheet into another using more than one criterion. The collect function can collect values based on multiple criteria, then the join function displays it as a text...
Smartsheet Count Occurrence of Contact In a Multi Contact Column This video shows you how to count the occurrence of a specific contact in a multi contact column. This example shows how tasks John Smith, Joe Smith, and Smartsheet Guru are assigned to. Forumula used is: =COUNTIF([Person's...
Smartsheet Name and Email Columns to Contact List Column Learn how to take a Smartsheet column containing a name and another column containing an email and then combine these 2 columns into a Smartsheet Contact List Column Type Below if the formula used in this video. Note the space before the...
Smartsheet Custom Auto Increment Format In this example a Auto-Increment ID is generated in the format AA001 AA999 then rolls to AB001, etc. with a maximum value of ZZ999 Here are the formulas used: Starting in the first row:3 Digit Number:=IF([Number Increment]@row = 0, 0,...
Smartsheet Parent Cell Checkbox Value Based on Children or Descendant Checkbox Cells In Smartsheet you can have a parent checkbox cell change value based on Children or Descendant Cells. Formula using Descendants Function:=IF(COUNTIF(DESCENDANTS(), 1) = COUNT(DESCENDANTS()), 1, 0) Formula using Children...
Parse Smartsheet Multi-Select Dropdown Column Into Individual Cells Below are the Formulas I used for this sheet by Column:Quantity Fruits Selected:=COUNTM([Fruit Multi Select]@row) Fruit 1:=IF([Quantity Fruits Selected]@row > 3, "More than 3 Selected", IF([Quantity Fruits Selected]@row = 1, [Fruit Multi...